



十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is committed to providing a safe workplace for the benefit of the 大学 community. 为了提供一个安全的工作环境, 员工必须能够在安全的环境中完成他们的工作, 安全, 富有成效的, 有效的方式, 并且在他们工作的整个过程中都能做到这一点. 不能胜任工作的员工可能对自身构成安全隐患, 致其他员工, 到大学, 或者公众. 这项政策适用于所有大学教职员工.


The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures by which the 大学 will evaluate an employee’s fitness for duty when an employee is:

  1. Having observable difficulty or inability to perform essential work duties as determined by the supervisor or based upon reliable information from credible sources; or
  2. Posing an imminent and serious safety threat to self or others based upon behavior observed by the supervisor or reliable information from credible sources.


该员工能够履行其工作职责, 或者该员工不会对自己或他人的安全构成威胁.
骨科医生:医学或骨科医生, 牙医, 足, 临床心理学家, 验光师, 护士, 护理助产士, 或者是有执照的临床社工.
for staff, the person to whom they report; and for faculty, their Chair or Dean.

员工 责任

  1. 员工s are responsible for managing their health in a manner that allows them to safely perform their job responsibilities.
  2. 员工s must come to work fit for duty and must perform their job responsibilities in a safe, 安全, 富有成效的, 在整个工作过程中,他们都是有效的.
  3. 员工有责任在不能胜任工作时通知主管.

雇主 责任

  1. 主管/经理负责监督考勤, 表演, 以及他们所管理的员工的行为.
  2. 主管s/managers are responsible for following this policy’s procedures when presented with circumstances or knowledge that indicate that an employee may be unfit for duty.
  3. Confidentiality of medical records: Any document containing medical information about an employee is considered a medical record and is regarded as confidential. 人力资源 Benefits Department and Occupational Health will maintain medical records in a file separate from all other employee records.
  4. Compliance with applicable collective bargaining agreements in the evaluation and administration of fitness for duty.


  1. The supervisor who receives reliable information from credible sources that an employee may be unfit for duty, 或者通过个人观察认为员工不适合工作, will validate and document the information or observations as soon as is practicable and contact 人力资源 Benefits Department. Behaviors that may trigger the need to evaluate an employee’s fitness for duty may include, 但不限于, 灵巧性的问题, 协调, 浓度, 内存, 警觉性, 愿景, 演讲, 与同事或主管不适当的互动, 对批评的不恰当反应, 或自杀或威胁言论, 从而影响员工履行工作职责的能力, 或对自己或他人的安全构成威胁.
  2. The supervisor will present the information or observations to 人力资源 Benefits Department at the earliest possible time in order to validate them; and will allow the employee to explain his or her actions, 或纠正对这些行为的描述中所包含的任何事实错误. The 人力资源福利部门会 then determine whether the employee should leave the workplace immediately for safety reasons.
  3. In situations where there is a basis to think that a crime may have been committed and/or the employee is making threats to harm himself or herself or others, 或者以一种对自己或他人有直接危险的方式行事, 主管应与大学警察局联系. 主管也应通知人力资源福利部门. In the event of a workplace accident or injury that occurs when 人力资源 Benefits staff is not available, 主管应联系大学警察和职业健康部门, 之后谁会尽快通知福利.
  4. 如果雇员透露身体状况或残疾, 人力资源福利部门会 参与“互动过程” to make a determination whether a reasonable accommodation can be provided to allow the employee to perform their job duties and the next step in the process.
  5. 根据导师提供的描述和互动过程, Human Resource Department of Benefits will determine whether a fitness for duty evaluation is required by Occupational Health or a 持牌医疗服务提供商 and, 如果是这样的话, the 人力资源福利部门会 determine the type of leave available to the employee to be used pending a complete assessment of the situation.
  6. The 人力资源福利部门会 provide a completed Physical Demands Analysis Form and Job Description to Occupational Health or the designated licensed health service provider for completion to certify whether the employee is fit to return to work. 许可健康服务提供者表单将包括对行为的描述, 对基本工作职责的影响, 以及导致安全风险的要求评估和工作描述.
  7. The 大学 will be responsible for the cost of a fitness for duty evaluation performed by Occupational Health or a licensed health service provider designated by the 大学.  The employee will be responsible for the cost of a fitness for duty evaluation performed by a medical professional selected by the employee and approved by the 大学.
  8. 根据获得许可的健康服务提供商提供的信息, 人力资源福利部门会 advise the supervisor whether the employee should return to work and, 如果是这样的话, 返回条件, 包括是否需要额外的后续会议. 人力资源福利部门会 determine the final decision on whether a provider’s certification provided by a medical professional selected by the employee will be accepted. 人力资源 Benefits will contact Occupational Health to conduct its review or an assessment.  Occupational Health will evaluate the employee’s ability to perform essential job functions, 哪些将由人力资源福利部协调. 如有需要,大学将支付职业评估的费用.
  9. The employee is responsible for providing their own transportation unless it’s an emergency situation.
  10. The employee must comply with all aspects of the fitness for duty and evaluation procedures, 包括向保健服务提供者提供必要的同意和放行表. 如果不遵守,可能会受到纪律处分,包括解雇. Information will be requested from the health service provider regarding work restrictions that may be required upon the employee’s return to work.
  11. Application of this policy is not intended as a substitute for other 大学 policies or procedures related to 表演, 它也不是用来代替纪律的. Situations involving violations of 大学 policies or practices may result in disciplinary action being taken.
